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Why should my child see a paediatric dentist rather than a general dentist?

Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies can be traumatic for everyone.

The number one thing to remember is not to panic and that we are here to assist you.

As you will be well aware, for active children of any age there are numerous situations in which a tooth can be knocked out or chipped, whether in the classroom, at home or (most commonly of all) when playing sport.

When a child presents with a missing or chipped tooth, a normal reaction is to panic. Fortunately though, it can be possible to save the tooth if quick action is taken.

What To Do If Your Child Has Chipped A Tooth

If your child has a chipped or broken tooth you should seek dental treatment to fix it and have a dentist check for any other oral injuries. If the chip has exposed the nerve of the tooth, there is a high risk of infection and the tooth needs to be treated as soon as possible. If the trauma has loosened the tooth or moved it, the dentist can help reposition and stabilise it.

What To Do If Your Child Has Knocked Out A Tooth

When your child has knocked out a tooth, it’s important to stay calm. The necessary action can differ slightly depending on your child’s age.

We’ve created a handy guide outlining the steps that you should follow if your child has a chipped or knocked out tooth. You can download our Knocked Out Tooth guide here.

After the suggested emergency steps have been followed, we recommend that the child see a paediatric dentist as soon as possible. This specialist will be able to assess the socket and check if any other injuries have been sustained. If as the child’s parent or guardian you choose not to see a specialist, a general dentist will be equally happy to assist.

Download our Knocked out Tooth Guide

Why should my child see a paediatric dentist rather than a general dentist?