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Why should my child see a paediatric dentist rather than a general dentist?

Our Services

First Visit to the Dentist

Making the first visit to the dentist a positive experience for your child is crucial to setting good oral health habits.

Familiarising your child with the dentist from a young age by taking them with you to your own dental appointments can help to prevent any anxiety relating to the dental environment and the overall experience. A bad experience at the dentist at a young age can result in a fear of dental care in later years.

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Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies can be traumatic for everyone. The number one thing to remember is not to panic and that we are here to assist you.

As you will be well aware, for active children of any age there are numerous situations in which a tooth can be knocked out or chipped, whether in the classroom, at home or (most commonly of all) when playing sport.

When a child presents with a missing or chipped tooth, a normal reaction is to panic. Fortunately though, it can be possible to save the tooth if quick action is taken.

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Children’s Orthodontics

Our team of board–registered specialist orthodontists are available to assess and treat your child.

We recommend all children see a specialist orthodontist from age 9 or 10. The orthodontist will be able to assess their jaw and teeth development and determine if any developmental problems may require attention.

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Child Dental Benefit Schedule (CDBS)

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) is a dental assistance program for eligible children aged 2 to 17 years. It provides cover of up to $1052 over a two-year period for basic dental services, including examinations, X‐rays, cleaning, fissure sealing, fillings, root canals, extractions and partial dentures.

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Why should my child see a paediatric dentist rather than a general dentist?